Poztel Sp. z o.o. 2008 Gündür
DETAY SAYFASI | | | | | |
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Poztel Sp. z o.o. |
Yetkili Kişi |
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Ahmet Tan |
Telefon |
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+48697977168 |
Mobil |
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+48609113306 |
E-mail |
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spedytor12@poztel.pl |
Adres |
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Marcelinska 92, 60-324, Polonya |
ll/ilçe |
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- Poznan
Diğer Bilgiler |
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Marcelinska 92
Web Sitesi |
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R2 Yetki Belgesi |
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Firma Diğer Bilgileri |
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Firma Diğer Bilgileri |
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Resimli Tanıtım |
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Resimli Tanıtım |
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Firma Tanıtım
Yazısı |
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Firma Tanıtım
Yazısı |
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Poztel Sp. z o.o. is a professional forwarding company specializing in domestic and international transport services. Knowledge of the market and high specialization allows us to offer attractive rates and efficient adaptation to your logistics systems. We guarantee a fast flow of information on transported goods, security and timely deliveries. We operate based on the Polish Transport Law, CMR Conventions, the Civil Code, TIR Carnet and Civil Liability Insurance.
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Kapat |
Ek Bilgiler |
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Ek Bilgiler |
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