
Willi-f.İnternational Transport 5439 Gündür Üyemiz



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Resimli Tanıtım
Willi-f.İnternational Transport

 Yetkili Kişi : Sevin Asadova
 Telefon : 00 99 4124929342
 Mobil : 00 99 4503642090
 E-mail : 00 99 4 12 4339007
 Adres : Azerbaycan
 ll/ilçe : Azerbaycan - Baku
Diğer Bilgiler : 00 99 4 12 4339007 - Türkiye - 00 99 4 12 4339007
 Web Sitesi :


Firma Rehberi
Gold Üyelik
C2 Yetki Belgesi

Firma Diğer Bilgileri


Denizyolu Demiryolu
Karayolu Havayolu
Karayolu : C2 Demiryolu : FIATA
Havayolu : IATA Denizyolu : FIATA

1.Ülkesi :  Türkiye
2.Ülkesi :  Azerbaycan
3.Ülkesi :  iran
4.Ülkesi :  Çin


1.Şehir :  İSTANBUL
2.Şehir :  Seçiniz
3.Şehir :  Seçiniz
4.Şehir :  Seçiniz

Uluslararası Taşımacılık Yurtiçi Taşımacılık Şehiriçi  Taşımacılık

Bu Firmanın şuanda Denizyolu Havayolu Ve Demiryolu çalışması Yoktur...

Lojistik Dağıtım Firmaları Yurtiçi Araç Taşıma Antrepo Hizmetleri Parsiyel Kargo Taşımalar
Evden Eve Taşımacılık Gümrük işlemleri Paketleme Depolama
Frigofrig Taşıma Lowbed Ağır Taşıma Konteyner iç Nakliye Askılı Tekstil Taşıma
Kurye Taşımalar (Tüm) Sal Kasa Taşıma Sıvı Tanker Taşıma Komple Kargo Taşıma
Cam Nakliyesi Harfiyat Nakliyesi Açık Yük Taşıma Nakliyat Ambar Taşıma
Kombine Taşımacılık Gemi ile Konteyner. Nakliyesi Uçak ile Kargo Taşıma Tren Vagon Nakliyesi

Konteyner Gemisi :   Konteyner Adedi :  

Tren Adedi :   Vagon Adedi :  

Çekici Adedi :  25 Kamyonet Adedi :  

Kamyon Adedi : Motorsiklet Adedi :  

Ucak Adedi :   Dorse Adedi :  25

Volvo :  YOK

Daf :  YOK

Mercedes :  YOK

Man :  YOK

Renault :  YOK

Scania :  YOK

Askılı :  YOK

Dz Tenteli :  YOK

Frigofrig :  YOK     :  

20 Lik Adedi :  YOK 40 Lik Adedi :  YOK

45 Lik Adedi :  YOK        

Tanker :  YOK Kamyon Romork :  YOK

Cam Taşıyıcı :  YOK Lowbed Dorse :  YOK

Sal Kasa :  YOK 3 Metre Dorse :  YOK

Resimli Tanıtım


Firma Tanıtım Yazısı

About Us

It is not necessary for you to spend your time for search of carriers of your cargoes as Willi-f company has already made it for you.

Call us, send a fax, or send an e-mail and we shall take your cares on ourselves with pleasure.

Some important factors have made contribution to our success...

Our well informed and experienced employees.

Our long relations with clients, partners and logistics.

And our extensive experience in all areas of transportation.

We offer our clients innovative decisions which meet unique requirements of transport sphere.


"Willi-F" LTD renders services for the companies and private persons on delivery of large and little consignments. Correct organization of staff selection and a sound atmosphere in the company promote the maximal work efficiency of all our employees at any level. We aim at success of each employee and we enable everyone to display the best qualities. Thus we have reduced to a minimum employee turnover and have created good potential for further development of our company. The nomenclature of transported cargo is various: these are the consumer goods both the various industrial and oil equipment.

• Customer service:
You will be provided with a full package of services. Our central office is placed in Baku, we work on the working days from 9:00 till 18:00 without lunch breaks, on Saturday from 9:00 till 15:00. Phones of the company are available round the clock! Reception and delivery of cargo to clients is only an apparent part of our work. Our company developed a program on registration and account of a cargo. For you it means significant acceleration of procedures of official registration of papers at cargo delivery to a warehouse and delivery of cargo in a city of destination. Due to information system we always possess information on the location of your cargo. Having sent your cargo once, you are immediately entered in a uniform database. More than 12000 clients have already taken advantage of services of our company.

The transport logistic also deserves your attention. One of competitive advantages is daily schedule of dispatchs (except for Saturday and Sunday) cargoes from Baku. For our clients the opportunity of shipment in the opposite direction is important. It means, that all cargo which has been handed over within a day, will already be loaded and sent to destination in the evening.

• Responsibility for cargo safety
We can tell with absolute confidence, that in the practice of all express companies there were cases of damaging and we are not an exception. Other question - how does the forwarder behave further? We actively work on a question of our Clients cargo safety and have achieved positive results. It means that we carry full responsibility for damage or loss of a cargo on our fault. Our company concluded a treaty with the largest insurance company of Azerbaijan "MBASK" on exclusive conditions.
The following risks are insured:
- The responsibility for destruction and-or damage of a cargo during storage of a cargo in a warehouse (including loading and a unloading of a cargo from a carrier) - The responsibility for loss of a cargo during storage of a cargo in a warehouse (to 15 days, since the day of acceptance)
- The responsibility for destruction and-or damage of a cargo during transportation
- The responsibility for loss of a cargo during transportation
Also it is necessary to tell about procedure of cargo delivery to customers. Our company is unique, that completely guarantees "correctness" of cargo delivery to the sender, and can confirm the procedure of delivery by means of documents.

• Corporate customers
We concern with special attention to the work with corporate clients. As shows our work experience, such customers are more exacting. The fact that among our constant customers there are, well-known names denotes that we correctly understand the needs of this group of clients, and our services meets their standards.

• Information technologies
All our branches are equipped with the modern workstations connected in a uniform computer network. Our experts developed and entered into operation corporate information system. Each branch has an Internet connection and e-mail address.
All this is made for bringing pleasure to all our customers with our work.

We are waiting for YOU!!!
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